We strictly follow our Standard process to achieve your goals with accuracy.
We listen customer carefully, Then analysis customer needs and develop customer requirement document. As anzael having all types of industry experts its not take much more time to understand your requirement.
Once we have knowledge of your expectation our expert think how we can make batter in your given requirement and without additional cost. We add our experience, knowledge, and innovative ideas to improve your requirement, which give you 100% value of your invested money.
Annalist team start they work, They do work in best where you get effective, optimized, and cost effective solution. We provide annalist document as per system size. Whatever size is there, we describe in a way where customer can easily understand they system before complete. Which give batter understanding to customer towards they system before system development start.
Development team is heart of the whole software development process, We having highly experience development team who think out of box by customer point of view, They are not developing software or web application, They are developing system where they have to work once but customer have to use each day. So anzael development team always try to make it simple and easy in use.
When we develop large application as a human error definitely added, because each process has been completed by human being, For remove that error our Q/A team watch on each stage until it deliver to customer, And always try to deliver 99.99% accurate system.
Quality Assurance team has responsibility for functional once we achieve that stage, Before final delivery our Senior persons take look on developed system at development level, And check stability of system, Generate report of optimization and inform development team where they find something needs to be change.
Once our quality assurance and optimization team have green flag we inform customer for beta or final version update, We always work with time line which we gave you in our first stage of development process, Based on your system size we inform periodically
Once we deliver beta or final version our support team always here, We are having 24X7 support, Maximum reply time of any mail within 12 hours. For any emergency our senior team available any time for working on your problems.
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